Rachel Hadley-Leonard
Rachel has a real understanding of the unique world of education, educators, parents and pupils. In addition to being a qualified schools’ marketer and fundraiser, she has worked as a Teacher, Head of Department & Senior Leader, and as a trainer and consultant with many independent schools and Multi Academy Trusts. Rachel has recruited many MAD professionals to schools’ Marketing, Admissions and Development offices.
Rachel brings a wealth of Schools’ Marketing and Development gained over thirty years in the independent and maintained education sectors, and in industry and commercial organisations. She is a trusted, go-to provider for many schools and professional membership organisations.
She was a Board Director of Admissions, Marketing and Development in Independent Schools (now AMCIS) for six years, two of which as Co-Chair. She has held several positions as Head of Marketing and Development Director, was a valued judge for the TES Independent School Awards, and now for InspirED Marketing. Rachel writes for educational media, and speaks regularly for ISBA, AGBIS, IDPE, IAPS and AMCIS.
Rachel has recently launched MAD recruitment, building on many years of experience finding and placing the right people in Marketing, Admissions and Development roles in schools. This additional service which takes the headache out of recruitment.
Rachel is also a professional mentor working with schools in the UK and overseas, and was until very recently an independent school governor.
She now works with schools to ensure growth, increased pupil numbers, and an enhanced reputation. Her particular strengths lie in the areas of stakeholder research, strategy, audits and Development/Fundraising start-ups.